Herbal Remedy Solutions

Herbal Remedy Report

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Billy Goat weed, white weed, bastard agrimony (Bandotan) Herbal

(Ageratum conyzoides L.)

Synonym : A. ciliare Lour. ( non Linn), A. cordifolium Roxb.

Familia : compositae ( asteraceae).

Description :

Billy Goat weed pertained into herbaceous plant as of season, upright grows or underside lies down, height of around 30-90 cm, and branchs. Long haired round bar, if touching soil will release root. Handle leaf, The position is each other look out on and crosslegged (compositae), ovoid leaf blade with circular jetty and sharp-pointed back part, jagged edge, long 1-10 cm, wide 0,5-6 cm, both surfaces of long haired leaf with gland which located in surface under leaf, it's green colour . Compound interest gathers 3 or more, be in the form of secretory plane panicle from tip of handle, its(the white colour. Interest cusp length 6-8 mm, with general handle. Fruit having colour black and its form small. Distribution area, Habitat and Budidaya Bandotan can be multiplied with seed. Billy Goat weed comes from tropical America. In Indonesia, Billy Goat weed is more knowledgeable and wild plant as intruder plant ( weed) in garden and in farm. This plant, detectable also in house lawn, wayside, bank, and around aqueduct at height of 1-2100 m above sea level ( dpl). If leaf had is wilt and decays, this plant will release aroma is not delicious.

Other Name:
bandot, daun tombak, siangit, tombak jantan, siangik kahwa, rumput tahi ayam (Sumatra, Indonesia)
babadotan, babadotan leutik, babandotan, babadotan beureum, babadotan hejo, jukut bau, ki bau (Sunda, West Java Indonesia)
bandotan, berokan, wedusan, dus wedusan, dus bedusan, tempuyak (Java, Indonesia)
dawet, lawet, rukut manooe, rukut weru, sopi (Sulawesi)
Sheng hong ji (China)
bulak manok (Tag.)
ajganda, sahadevi (IP)
billy goat weed, white weed, bastard agrimony (International (English lang), celestine, eupatoire bleue.
Simplisia names: Agerati Herba (Billy Goat weed herb), Agerati Radix (Billy Goat weed root).

Curable Disease :

This herb likely is rather bitter, hot, and in character neutral. Billy Goat weed is having special quality stimulan, tonic, fever palliative ( antipiretik), antitoksik, swollen cure, stops haemorrhage ( hemostatis), menstruation emetic ( emenagog), urine emetic ( diuretic), and kaiminatit. Billy Goat weed leaf can be applied also as vegetation insecticide. Besides Ageratum conyzoides L, there is other variety Billy Goat weed having the same special quality, that is Ageratum haoustonianum Mill. Billy Goat weed leaf extract ( 5% and 10%) can lengthen lechery cycle and slows down development of female white mouse follicle ( virgin and non virgin). But, not having effect at uterine, vagina, and liver. After a period of recovery, lechery cycle and development of follicle returns normal. There is no difference of effect between white mouses virgin and non virgin during treatment ( Yuni Ahda, JF FMIPA UNAND, - 1993). Bandot leaf extract in dose palm oil 20% doesn't give hurt healing effect. But, at dose 40% and 80% can heal hurt manifestly as according to improvement of dose. Even, healing effect of hurt at dose 80% doesn't differ in reality with iodine povidon 10% ( Eliza Magdalena, JF FMIPA UI, 1993).

Composition :

Acidulous Billy Goat weed herb of amino, organacid, pectic substance, coumarin essential oil, ageratochromene, friedelin, ß- sitosterol, stigmasterol, tannin, sulphur, and potassium chlorida. Oleaginous Billy Goat weed root of volatile, alkaloid, and coumarin


Part applied for drug is herb ( part above soil) and root. Herb applied in the form of fresh herb or which has been dried.


Billy Goat weed herb herb is having special quality for therapy: fever, malaria, gullet pain, chafes lung (pneumonia), chafes mesotic (otitis media), haemorrhage, like womb haemorrhage, bloody hurt, and nosebleed, diarrhoea, dysentery, stomachache ( colic), as emeric, flatulent stomach, sprain, rheumatic pain, prevents pregnancy, tired body as of pot is clean works weight, produce of urine a few, womb tumor, and hair treatment.

Root is having special quality to overcome : fever.


For drug drinked, braises 15 - 30 g dry herb or 30 - 60 g fresh herb. Other way boxed fresh herb, then extorted and juice water is drinked.

For external usage, box fresh herb until smooth. Hereinafter, miscible of vegetable oil a few and scrambled until plane, then append at hurt which still has just, abscess, eczema, and other skin disease (like leprosy). Other way, dry herb grind become powder, then append to throat of ill patient of red lane. Besides, fresh leaf can be poured boiling water into and the infusion water applicable to rinse eye, stomachache, and cleans hurt.

+ Middle earache as result of chafing

Cleans fresh Billy Goat weed herb sufficiently, then boxed until smooth. Result of his(its, extorts and filters. Applies juice water which collected for eardrops. One day 4 times, each time curative counted 2 drip.

+ Bloody hurt, abscess, eczema

Cleans fresh Billy Goat weed herb sufficiently until cleanness, then boxed until smooth. Ingredient paving to part of ill body, then wraped with band. In one day, changes wrapping 3-4 times. Does this therapy until recovering.

+ Abscess, ulcer

Cleans one fresh Billy Goat weed herbaceous plants until cleanness. Adds a lump of hackneyed rice and as of tip of salt teaspoon, then milled until smooth. Paving to ill place, then wraped with band.

+ Rheumatism ( medical term : reumatic), bloated sprain result

Provides one grasping young leaf and bar of fresh Billy Goat weed plant, fistful hackneyed rice, and 1/2 salt teaspoons. Hereinafter, cleans young leaf and bar until cleanness, then boxed with rice and salt. After becoming dough like viscid mush, ingredient paving to part of bloated joint be wraped. Lets during 1-2 hours, then wrapping is discharged. Does treatment of like this 2-3 times one day.

+ Womb haemorrhage, sprue, abscess, bloated because contusion

Braises 10-15 g Billy Goat weed herb in two clean water glasses until remaining to become one glasses. After chilling, filters and the filter water is drinked at the same time. Does 2-3 times one day.

+ Gracious tumor

Braises 30-60 g fresh drought Billy Goat weed herb or 15-30 g dry herb in three water glasses until remaining to become one glasses. Besides braised, fresh herb earns also is boxed. Decoction water or juice water is drinked by one glasses daily.

+ Red lane pain

(1) Cleans 30-60 g fresh Billy Goat weed leaf until cleanness, then boxed until smooth. Hereinafter, extorts and filters. Adds condensation of lump sugar into juice water sufficiently and scrambled until flattening. Drinks ingredient and does thrice daily.

(2) Cleans Billy Goat weed leaf sufficiently, then put to the sun until drought.Hereinafter, grind until becoming powder. append powder into patient red lane.

+Malaria, influenza

Braises 15-30 g dry Billy Goat weed herb in two water glasses until remaining to become one glasses. After chilling, filters and drinks at the same time. Does twice daily.

+ Flatulent stomach, stomachache, puking

Cleans one fruit of medium size Billy Goat weed plant until cleanness, then cut to pieces be needed. Braises in three water glasses until remaining to become one glasses. After chilling, filters and drinks at the same time. Does this therapy 2-3 times one day until recovering.

+ Hair shaped treatment

Cleans, fresh leaf and Billy Goat weedt bar until cleanness, then boxed until smooth. Dabs result of hammering to all scalp and hair. Head cover with cloth rasher. Lets during 2-3 hours. Hereinafter, rinses hair.

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