Herbal Remedy Solutions

Herbal Remedy Report

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


( Pyrus malus, Linn)

Synonym : Malus sylvestris, Mill

Familia : Rosaceae

Description :

Apple (Pyrus malus) can live fertility in area having cool air temperature. This plant in Europe is conducting especially in subtropical area of upstate. Medium of local apple in Indonesia famous come from area Malang , East Java Indonesia. Or also comes from area Pangrango mountain, West Java Indonesia. In Indonesia, apple can grow and grows carefully if conducting at area having height around 1200 metre above sea level. Apple plant in categorizing as one of member of roses family and has tree trunk height can reach 7-10 metre. Apple leaf hardly looking like rose plant leaf. Globular of egg and decorated with small jags at sides. At the age of productive, apple usually will flower at around month of July. Fairish apple kinds of the actually are big interest or flower causing becomes solid fruit and contains.

Other Name :

Apel ( Indonesia), Apple ( international), Appel ( French)

Composition :

chemistry content : Apple ( Pyrus malus) besides having pectin compound content also contains nutrient, inter alia ( spring 100 grams) : - Calorie 58 calories - Charcoal hydrate 14,9 grams - Fat 0,4 grams - Protein 0,3 grams - Calcium 6 magnesium - Phosphorus 10 magnesiums - Iron 0,3 magnesiums - Vitamin A 90 SIES - Vitamin B1 0,04 magnesiums - Vitamin C 5 magnesium - and water 84 %


1. Diabetes mellitus

Material: one medium fairish apples.

Way of making : in spliting to become 4 parts and braised with water 3-4

glass until boiling so remains 2 glass.

Way of using : drinked every morning-evening, and done in routine.

2. Diarrhoea

Material: apple which has not so ripe.

Way of using: eaten ordinary.

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