Herbal Remedy Solutions

Herbal Remedy Report

Friday, June 22, 2007

Awar - Awar Herbal

( Ficus septica BurmL)

Synonym : Ficus hauili Blanco, Ficus casearia F. v. Mueller ex Benth, Ficus kaukauensis Hayata.

Familia : Moraceae

Description :
High Tree or bush , vertical 1-5 metre. Bent fundamental bar curved, slack, cylindrical integer stick, hollow, hairless, rubbery of transparent. Unique stipule leaf, big, very
becoming sharp, unique leaf, handle, sits leaf is having interlude or looking out, handle 2,53 cm.
Globular blade of egg or ellipse, with integer jetty, back part is narrowing enough dulls, plane edge, 9-30 times 9-16 cm, from the top (of) stripper green gleams, with many pale fleck, from under young green, middle vena right left side with 6-12 side venas; second splits vena side flagrant because pale colour.
Formation compound interest of Couple pot, short handle, at the pole with 3 protector leaf, young green or grey green, diameter more or less 1,5 cm, at some crops there are stam inate flower and interest gal, at other of pistillate flower. Fruit of pot type, fleshly , grey greens, diameter 1,5 - 2 cm. Time flowered January - December.
This plant many found in Java and Madura (Indonesia) grows at area with height of 1200 m dpl, many found by the side of road, open coppice and forest.

Other Name :
Sirih popar ( Ambon)
Tagalolo, Bei, Loloyan ( Minahasa)
Ki ciyat ( Sunda)
Awar awar ( Java)
Bar-abar ( Madura)
Awar awar ( Belitung)
Tobotobo ( Makasar)
Dausalo ( Bugis)
Bobulutu ( Halmahera Utara)
Tagalolo ( Ternate)

Papua New Guinea: omia ( Kurereda, Northern Province)
manibwohebwahe ( Wagawaga, Milne Bay)
bahuerueru ( Vanapa, Central Province)
Philippines: hauili ( Filipino)
kauili ( Tagalog)
sio ( Bikol).
NAME OF SIMPLISIA FICI septicae folium; leaf awar-awar

Curable Disease :
Ficus Leaf septica can pursue growth of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli in in vitro, result of examination of bioautography it is reported that 4 g leaf extract awar awar is dissolving in Metanol can pursue bacterium growth. Antofin ( 5 g) having effect as antibakteri ( B. subtillis, M flavus and E. Coli)

Composition :

This plant contains alkaloid, that is inter alia (-)- tilosrebrin ( hauptalkaloid), tiloforin, septisin, and antofin, besides also contains flavonoida.

Leaf applied for skin disease drug, chafes intestine infection, overcomes abscess, noxious snakebite and asphyxia.

Root applied for antidote ( fish), penanggulangan asthma; despitefully leaf can cause puking.

Rubber exploited to overcome confused swellings and head.

Fruit for laxative.


To cure abscess:

5 leaf sheet cleaned and milled to be smooth, added salt sufficiently, then applied as compress at abscess ( 1-2 times one day).

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