Herbal Remedy Solutions

Herbal Remedy Report

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Anyang - Anyang Herbal

(Elaeocarpus grandiflorus JSm)

Synonym : Rejasa.

Familia : Elaeocarpaceae.

Description :
Tree with form of etage, height 6-26 m. Handle leaf, berjejal at the end of stick, form of Iancet, changes over for the shake of a few at handles, 5-20 times 1-5 cm, hairless, like skin, jagged of beringgit is
not in, old squeezed fire.
Interest bunch hangs, bloomy 4-6, long 2-10 cm. Interest handle 3-4,5 cm. Bright red sepal, general. White petal, at jetty with scale, towards tip of wide once and divided in acantha, length; 2-2,5 cm. Yellows interest base, then orange. Smooth general interest base gibbosity ( like chick fur) meeting. Stamen entirely general.
Ovary form of egg, general; wide stigma doesn't. Fruit of form of spul, pale green, length lk 3 cm. In forest in water periphery, belowunder 500 m, as decorative tree in garden and park. Anyang, S, Rejasa, J. Elaeocarpus grandiflorus J.E.Sm.
Notes: If was stepped on, then the thorn to the core will penetrate the wall that was soft and spread this seed as what was named the "box" of the "thorn" (hoefklitten). The part that was used, bark, and the leaves.
Composition :
Elaeokarpid ( poisonous bitter matter) and saponin. Diuretic Special Quality.
Curable Disease :

Dysentery, ill contained urine, chafes kidney, ulcer ( as external drug), fever, debility, nausea, yellows pain.

1. Dysentery.
2. Ill contained urine.

1. Chafes Kidney.
2. Ulcer ( external drug).
1). Fever
2). Debility.
3). Nausea.
4). Yellows Pain.


Bark or leaf Anyang-anyang 4 gram Water 110 ml
Way of making: Made infusion or poured boiling water.
Way of usage: Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml Duration of treatment: Repeated during 4 day.


Anyang-anyang leaf 4 gram
Sembung leaf3 gram
Meniran herb 2 gram
Rhizome Temulawak 4 gram
Water 110 ml
Way of making: Poured boiling water into, made infusion.
Way of usage:
Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening. Every times drinks 100 ml.
Duration of treatment: Repeated during 14 days.

Ill Contained Urine
Patient at the time of pissing feels pain in bone, and urine froths.

Anyang-anyang fruit 7 seed
Fennel fruit 1 gram
Pulosari 1/ 2 phalange
Water 110 ml
Way of making: Made infusion or poured boiling water.
Way of usage:
Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening every times drinks 100 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated during 7 day.

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