Herbal Remedy Solutions

Herbal Remedy Report

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fragrant Root (Akar Wangi) Herbal

( Vitiveria zizanioides ( Levator skapula ) Nash. Ex, Small )

Synonym : Andropogon zizanioides Urban. Andropogon squarrosus Hackel. Andropogon muricatus Retz.
Familia : Poaceae ( Gramineae).

Description :
Chronical grass, height can reach 1 metre. Slack bar, having internode, having colour white. Unique leaf, form of ribbon, sharp-pointed back part. Frond embraces bar, whitish green colour. Inflorescence of form of seed in tip of bar. Fruit of paddy, thorny, having colour white of dirty. Root is including rust colored fibrous root. Part applied by root and essential oils.
Other name :
Useur ( Gayo, Indonesia)
Hapias, Usar ( Batak, one of tribe in sumatra, Indonesia)
Root babau ( Minangkabau, Indonesia)
Root banda ( Timor, Indonesia)
Iser, Morwastu ( North Sumatra, Indonesia)
Usa, Urek usa ( Makasar, Indonesia)
Janur, Narawastu, Usar ( Sunda,area West Java, Indonesia )
Larasetu, Larawastu, Rarawestu ( Java)

NAME OF STRANGERS FOREIGNERS: NAME OF SIMPLISIA VITIVERIAE RADIX; Fragrant root. Oleum Vitiveriae aetheriae; fragment root oil.
Composition :
Root: Essential oils, hars, and bitter matter.
Oil: Vetiverin, vetiveron, veton, and vetivazulen. Usefulness of breath / mouth reeky ( gargle). Rheumatism ( external drug).

Curable Disease : Special Quality Diaforetik.

breath / mouth reeky (gargle).
Rheumatism ( external drug).


breath / mouth reeky
Fragment root some cuts
Sirih leaf fresh 2 sheet
Pegagan (Gotu kola Herb) of fresh 1 grasps
Kapulaga fruits(Cardamom) 6 item
Water 110 ml

Way of making: Made infusion.
Way of usage: To gargle 2 times one day, every times uses 100 ml When needed can be thinned with warmness water, partly can be swallowed by not dangerous.

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