Herbal Remedy Solutions

Herbal Remedy Report

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Avocado (Alpukat)

( Persea gratissima Gaertn )

Synonym : P. americana, Mill.

Familia : Lauraceae

Description :

Fruit tree from Middle America, grows wild in forests, quite a few planted in fertile and friable geology garden and is not suffused water. Although can bear fruit in lowland, but result will gratify if
planted at height of 200-1000 m above sea level ( dpl), at tropic area from subtropic which many rainfalls.
Small tree, height 3-10 m, roots riding, bar is having wood, integer, its the colour dirty chocolate, many branching, smooth general stick. Unique leaf, handle which length 1,5-5 cm, dirty, its the situation pressure in tip of stick, its form ellipse until oval of length, thick like skin, tip and sharp-pointed jetty, plane edge sometime rather rmenggulung upward, bony of rnenyirip, long 10-20 cm, wide 3-10 cm, young leaf of its(the colour squeezing and general of meeting, its the colour stripper leaf is hairless and green. Its the interest compound interest, having sex two, lapped over in secretory panicle near by tip of stick, its the colour greenness yellows. Its the fruit bacca, form of ball or ovoid, long 5-20 cm, its the colour is green or chartreuse, spots purple or purple sarna once seed one, kernel if have been cooked slack, its he colour green, brass. Bulbous integer seed, diameter 2,5-5 cm, white seed chipping of squeezing. Ripe avocado of slack kernel, fatty, oil is applied for inter alia for cosmetic.
Propagation with seed, way of grafting and way of graft.

Other name :
Apuket, alpuket, jambu wolanda ( Sunda,area West Java, Indonesia )
apokat, avokat, plokat (Java, Indonesia)
apokat, alpokat, avokat, advocate ( Sumatra, Indonesia)
Avocado (International)

Curable Disease :
Sprue, damps ring skin, stone urine, headache, High blood ( Hypertension), nerve pain in bone ( neuralgia), stomach pain in bone, Breath channel swells ( bronchial swellings), toothache, Diabetes ( diabetes mellitus), menstruates not regular.

Composition :
Kimiawi Character & Farmakologi Effect :

Leaf: Bitter taste, astringent, launchs urine.
Seed : Anti chafes, eliminates pain.

Fruit and leaf contains saponin, alkaloid and flavonoida, Fruit of also contains tannin and leaf to contain polifenol, quersetin, sugar alkohot persiit.

PART USED: Kernel, leaf, seed.


Kernel :
Damps dry skin.

Kedney stone.
High blood, headache.
Nerve pain in bone.
Stomach pain in bone.
Breath channel swells ( bronchial swellings).
Menstruates not regular.



To drink: 3-6 leaf sheets.

External Usage:
Kernel sufficiently is pulverized, used for masker. Leaf for local usage, seed milled to be smooth become powder to eliminate pain.


1. Sprue:
a contents of alpokat which have been cooking given by 2 honey tablespoon

pure, swirled flattens then is eaten. Does every day until recovers.

2. Kedney Stone:

4 leaf sheet avocado, 3 fruit of rhizome teki, 5 leaf handle randu,

semi areca seed, 1 nutmeg, 3 sugar finger enau, cleaned then

braised with 3 clean water glass until remaining 2 1/4 glasses.

After cool is filtered then is drinked. One day 3 x 3/4 glasses.

3. High blood :

3 leaf sheet alpokat is washed out then is poured boiling water into with 1 water glass

temperature. After chilling drinked at the same time.

4. Drought face skin:

Fruit of taken its contents then is pulverized until like mush. Used for masker, by getting of basting dry face. Facial washed with water after layer masker alpokat runs dry.

5. Holey toothache:

Hole at tooth is enterred by seed powder avocado.

6. Bloated because inflamation:

Powder from seed sufficiently is added a few water until becoming

dough like mush, balurkan ill body part.

7. Diabetes:

Seed is grilled above fire then is sawed up with dagger, then boiled with clean water until the water becomes chocolate. Filters, drinks after chilling.

8. Tea and avocado good to eliminating headache taste, pain in bone

stomach, bloated at breath channel, nerve pain in bone taste ( Neuralgia)

and comes not regular menstruation.

Data Research:

Leaf has activity antibakteri and pursues growth of Staphylococcus aureus strain A and B. Staphylococcus albus, Pseudomonas sp., Proteus sp., Escherichea coli and Bacillus subtilis ( EO. ognulans and E. Ramstad 1975).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bagus banget yah...blognya...., tips nya okeh..