Herbal Remedy Solutions

Herbal Remedy Report

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Adem Ati Herbal

( Litsea glutinosa )

Synonym : Litsea chinensis Lamk. Litsea littoralis ( Levator skapula.) Vill.
Familia : Lauraceae.

Description :
In the form of tree, height can reach 10 metre. Bar is having wood and branchs. Unique leaf, form of ellipse, green colour, and downy. Inflorescence of form of panicle, corolla is having colour white of brass. Fruit of integer, having colour young fruit is green, after stripper is having colour black. Young cacao colour main root.
Part applied by root, bark, and leaf.
Other name :
Simplisia Litseae glutinosae Radix
Litseae glictinosae Folium
Vernacular Indonesia:
Huru Batu, Huru Beusai, Huru Tangkalak, Madang Kapas, Adem Ati, Kapu Ketek, Nyampu Wingka, Wuru Beling ( Java) Typical Of Beloved, bitter, and makes cool.
Curable Disease :
Anti inflammation, analgesic, and hemostatic.
Composition : Alkaloid ( faction of phenanthrene and aporfina), flavonoida, tannin, polifenol, and essential oils.
Usefulness In Public:

Root :
1. Diarrhoea
2. Diabetes
3. Chafes intestine
4. Chafes skin to fester ( external drug)

Bark and leaf ( external drug) :
1. Abscess
2. Bloody hurt
3. Tranquilizer
4. Chafes skin to fester
5. Chafes bosom
Litseae glictinosae Folium (Adem Ati) 5 gram
Fresh Salam Leaf (Indonesian)
4 sheet Water 140 ml
Way of making: Made infusion.
Way of usage: Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening, every drinking 100 ml.

Diarrhoea, Chafes Intestine:
Litseae glictinosae Folium (Adem Ati) 6 gram
Fresh turmeric Rhizome 6 gram
Water 110 ml

Way of making: Made infusion or poured boiling water.
Way of usage: Drinked 1 times one day 100 ml.

Duration of treatment: Repeated during 3 day ( Diarrhoea), 14 days ( Chafes intestine).

Chafes Skin To fester, Chafes Bosom, Hurt, and Abscess
Skin wood / fresh leaf of Litseae glictinosae Folium (Adem Ati).
Sambilata Leaf (Indonesian) sufficiently
Water sufficiently

Way of making: finite Dipipis is in the form of pasta.
Way of usage: Smooths down pasta at part of ill skin. Before use on your skin with the pasta, better be cleaned with former warmness water.

Duration of treatment: Renewed every 3 hour.

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