Herbal Remedy Solutions
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Beluntas Herbal
Synonym : Baccharis indica, Linn.
Familia : Compositae
Description :
Bush or semi bush. grows high straightening until 2 m, sometime more. Ramification many, ribbs furry and is smooth. Grows wild in desert and bad, or planted as fence. There is to 1000 m to sea level. Short handle leaf, situation is having interlude, inverse oval form, tip of fine-form orbicular, jagged of light green colour. Exit interest in tip of branch and in leaf axil is in the form of cusp interest is having hilt or sitting, purple. Rather achene is in the form of whirligig, brown with white corner, laevigate.
Composition :
Chemical Character And Pharmacology Effect: Its aroma is typically and likely bitter. Leaf: adds appetite ( Stomakik), assists digestion. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Alkaloid, essential oils.
Other Name :
Beluntas (Indonesia)
Luntas ( Java, Indonesia)
Baluntas ( Madura, Indonesia)
Baluntas, Baruntas ( Sunda, West Java Indonesia)
Lamutasa ( Makasar, Indonesia)
Beluntas (Sumatra, Indonesia)
Lenaboui ( Timor, Indonesia)
Luan Yi (China).
Curable Disease :
Body odour, Appetite, reduces temperature, scabies, tuberculosis.
PART USED: All crop, fresh/dry.
1. Deodorizes body.
2. Indigestion at children and adds passion
3. Reduces temperature.
4. Scabies.
5. neck gland tuberculosis ( Cervical of tuberculous lymphadenitis)
6. Pain in bone at rheumatic, back ache ( Lumbago)
USAGE: 10 - 15 gr, braised.
1. Indigestion at children:
leaf mixed at mush filtered/porridge rice.
2. neck gland tuberculosis:
- extra bar and beluntas leaf , extra gelatine from cow skin,
Laminaria japonica ( sea grass). This material steamed until
slack, then is eaten.
- Laminaria japonica ( sea grass)
3. Rheumatic pain in bone: 15 gr beluntas root , braised, drinks.
4. Deodorizes body: as fresh vegetable.
5. Reduces temperature:
Leaf is braised, or poured boiling water into as tea, drinks.
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Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 10:50 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Billy Goat weed, white weed, bastard agrimony (Bandotan) Herbal
Synonym : A. ciliare Lour. ( non Linn), A. cordifolium Roxb.
Familia : compositae ( asteraceae).
Description :
Billy Goat weed pertained into herbaceous plant as of season, upright grows or underside lies down, height of around 30-90 cm, and branchs. Long haired round bar, if touching soil will release root. Handle leaf, The position is each other look out on and crosslegged (compositae), ovoid leaf blade with circular jetty and sharp-pointed back part, jagged edge, long 1-10 cm, wide 0,5-6 cm, both surfaces of long haired leaf with gland which located in surface under leaf, it's green colour . Compound interest gathers 3 or more, be in the form of secretory plane panicle from tip of handle, its(the white colour. Interest cusp length 6-8 mm, with general handle. Fruit having colour black and its form small. Distribution area, Habitat and Budidaya Bandotan can be multiplied with seed. Billy Goat weed comes from tropical America. In Indonesia, Billy Goat weed is more knowledgeable and wild plant as intruder plant ( weed) in garden and in farm. This plant, detectable also in house lawn, wayside, bank, and around aqueduct at height of 1-2100 m above sea level ( dpl). If leaf had is wilt and decays, this plant will release aroma is not delicious.
Other Name:
bandot, daun tombak, siangit, tombak jantan, siangik kahwa, rumput tahi ayam (Sumatra, Indonesia)
babadotan, babadotan leutik, babandotan, babadotan beureum, babadotan hejo, jukut bau, ki bau (Sunda, West Java Indonesia)
bandotan, berokan, wedusan, dus wedusan, dus bedusan, tempuyak (Java, Indonesia)
dawet, lawet, rukut manooe, rukut weru, sopi (Sulawesi)
Sheng hong ji (China)
bulak manok (Tag.)
ajganda, sahadevi (IP)
billy goat weed, white weed, bastard agrimony (International (English lang), celestine, eupatoire bleue.
Simplisia names: Agerati Herba (Billy Goat weed herb), Agerati Radix (Billy Goat weed root).
Curable Disease :
This herb likely is rather bitter, hot, and in character neutral. Billy Goat weed is having special quality stimulan, tonic, fever palliative ( antipiretik), antitoksik, swollen cure, stops haemorrhage ( hemostatis), menstruation emetic ( emenagog), urine emetic ( diuretic), and kaiminatit. Billy Goat weed leaf can be applied also as vegetation insecticide. Besides Ageratum conyzoides L, there is other variety Billy Goat weed having the same special quality, that is Ageratum haoustonianum Mill. Billy Goat weed leaf extract ( 5% and 10%) can lengthen lechery cycle and slows down development of female white mouse follicle ( virgin and non virgin). But, not having effect at uterine, vagina, and liver. After a period of recovery, lechery cycle and development of follicle returns normal. There is no difference of effect between white mouses virgin and non virgin during treatment ( Yuni Ahda, JF FMIPA UNAND, - 1993). Bandot leaf extract in dose palm oil 20% doesn't give hurt healing effect. But, at dose 40% and 80% can heal hurt manifestly as according to improvement of dose. Even, healing effect of hurt at dose 80% doesn't differ in reality with iodine povidon 10% ( Eliza Magdalena, JF FMIPA UI, 1993).
Composition :
Acidulous Billy Goat weed herb of amino, organacid, pectic substance, coumarin essential oil, ageratochromene, friedelin, ß- sitosterol, stigmasterol, tannin, sulphur, and potassium chlorida. Oleaginous Billy Goat weed root of volatile, alkaloid, and coumarin
Part applied for drug is herb ( part above soil) and root. Herb applied in the form of fresh herb or which has been dried.
Billy Goat weed herb herb is having special quality for therapy: fever, malaria, gullet pain, chafes lung (pneumonia), chafes mesotic (otitis media), haemorrhage, like womb haemorrhage, bloody hurt, and nosebleed, diarrhoea, dysentery, stomachache ( colic), as emeric, flatulent stomach, sprain, rheumatic pain, prevents pregnancy, tired body as of pot is clean works weight, produce of urine a few, womb tumor, and hair treatment.
Root is having special quality to overcome : fever.
For drug drinked, braises 15 - 30 g dry herb or 30 - 60 g fresh herb. Other way boxed fresh herb, then extorted and juice water is drinked.
For external usage, box fresh herb until smooth. Hereinafter, miscible of vegetable oil a few and scrambled until plane, then append at hurt which still has just, abscess, eczema, and other skin disease (like leprosy). Other way, dry herb grind become powder, then append to throat of ill patient of red lane. Besides, fresh leaf can be poured boiling water into and the infusion water applicable to rinse eye, stomachache, and cleans hurt.
+ Middle earache as result of chafing
Cleans fresh Billy Goat weed herb sufficiently, then boxed until smooth. Result of his(its, extorts and filters. Applies juice water which collected for eardrops. One day 4 times, each time curative counted 2 drip.
+ Bloody hurt, abscess, eczema
Cleans fresh Billy Goat weed herb sufficiently until cleanness, then boxed until smooth. Ingredient paving to part of ill body, then wraped with band. In one day, changes wrapping 3-4 times. Does this therapy until recovering.
+ Abscess, ulcer
Cleans one fresh Billy Goat weed herbaceous plants until cleanness. Adds a lump of hackneyed rice and as of tip of salt teaspoon, then milled until smooth. Paving to ill place, then wraped with band.
+ Rheumatism ( medical term : reumatic), bloated sprain result
Provides one grasping young leaf and bar of fresh Billy Goat weed plant, fistful hackneyed rice, and 1/2 salt teaspoons. Hereinafter, cleans young leaf and bar until cleanness, then boxed with rice and salt. After becoming dough like viscid mush, ingredient paving to part of bloated joint be wraped. Lets during 1-2 hours, then wrapping is discharged. Does treatment of like this 2-3 times one day.
+ Womb haemorrhage, sprue, abscess, bloated because contusion
Braises 10-15 g Billy Goat weed herb in two clean water glasses until remaining to become one glasses. After chilling, filters and the filter water is drinked at the same time. Does 2-3 times one day.
+ Gracious tumor
Braises 30-60 g fresh drought Billy Goat weed herb or 15-30 g dry herb in three water glasses until remaining to become one glasses. Besides braised, fresh herb earns also is boxed. Decoction water or juice water is drinked by one glasses daily.
+ Red lane pain
(1) Cleans 30-60 g fresh Billy Goat weed leaf until cleanness, then boxed until smooth. Hereinafter, extorts and filters. Adds condensation of lump sugar into juice water sufficiently and scrambled until flattening. Drinks ingredient and does thrice daily.
(2) Cleans Billy Goat weed leaf sufficiently, then put to the sun until drought.Hereinafter, grind until becoming powder. append powder into patient red lane.
+Malaria, influenza
Braises 15-30 g dry Billy Goat weed herb in two water glasses until remaining to become one glasses. After chilling, filters and drinks at the same time. Does twice daily.
+ Flatulent stomach, stomachache, puking
Cleans one fruit of medium size Billy Goat weed plant until cleanness, then cut to pieces be needed. Braises in three water glasses until remaining to become one glasses. After chilling, filters and drinks at the same time. Does this therapy 2-3 times one day until recovering.
+ Hair shaped treatment
Cleans, fresh leaf and Billy Goat weedt bar until cleanness, then boxed until smooth. Dabs result of hammering to all scalp and hair. Head cover with cloth rasher. Lets during 2-3 hours. Hereinafter, rinses hair.
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Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Synonym : Malus sylvestris, Mill
Familia : Rosaceae
Description :
Apple (Pyrus malus) can live fertility in area having cool air temperature. This plant in Europe is conducting especially in subtropical area of upstate. Medium of local apple in Indonesia famous come from area Malang , East Java Indonesia. Or also comes from area Pangrango mountain, West Java Indonesia. In Indonesia, apple can grow and grows carefully if conducting at area having height around 1200 metre above sea level. Apple plant in categorizing as one of member of roses family and has tree trunk height can reach 7-10 metre. Apple leaf hardly looking like rose plant leaf. Globular of egg and decorated with small jags at sides. At the age of productive, apple usually will flower at around month of July. Fairish apple kinds of the actually are big interest or flower causing becomes solid fruit and contains.
Other Name :
Apel ( Indonesia), Apple ( international), Appel ( French)
Composition :
chemistry content : Apple ( Pyrus malus) besides having pectin compound content also contains nutrient, inter alia ( spring 100 grams) : - Calorie 58 calories - Charcoal hydrate 14,9 grams - Fat 0,4 grams - Protein 0,3 grams - Calcium 6 magnesium - Phosphorus 10 magnesiums - Iron 0,3 magnesiums - Vitamin A 90 SIES - Vitamin B1 0,04 magnesiums - Vitamin C 5 magnesium - and water 84 %
1. Diabetes mellitus
Material: one medium fairish apples.
Way of making : in spliting to become 4 parts and braised with water 3-4
glass until boiling so remains 2 glass.
Way of using : drinked every morning-evening, and done in routine.
2. Diarrhoea
Material: apple which has not so ripe.
Way of using: eaten ordinary.
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Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
Awar - Awar Herbal
Synonym : Ficus hauili Blanco, Ficus casearia F. v. Mueller ex Benth, Ficus kaukauensis Hayata.
Familia : Moraceae
Description :
High Tree or bush , vertical 1-5 metre. Bent fundamental bar curved, slack, cylindrical integer stick, hollow, hairless, rubbery of transparent. Unique stipule leaf, big, very becoming sharp, unique leaf, handle, sits leaf is having interlude or looking out, handle 2,53 cm.
Globular blade of egg or ellipse, with integer jetty, back part is narrowing enough dulls, plane edge, 9-30 times 9-16 cm, from the top (of) stripper green gleams, with many pale fleck, from under young green, middle vena right left side with 6-12 side venas; second splits vena side flagrant because pale colour.
Formation compound interest of Couple pot, short handle, at the pole with 3 protector leaf, young green or grey green, diameter more or less 1,5 cm, at some crops there are stam inate flower and interest gal, at other of pistillate flower. Fruit of pot type, fleshly , grey greens, diameter 1,5 - 2 cm. Time flowered January - December.
This plant many found in Java and Madura (Indonesia) grows at area with height of 1200 m dpl, many found by the side of road, open coppice and forest.
Other Name :
Sirih popar ( Ambon)
Tagalolo, Bei, Loloyan ( Minahasa)
Ki ciyat ( Sunda)
Awar awar ( Java)
Bar-abar ( Madura)
Awar awar ( Belitung)
Tobotobo ( Makasar)
Dausalo ( Bugis)
Bobulutu ( Halmahera Utara)
Tagalolo ( Ternate)
Papua New Guinea: omia ( Kurereda, Northern Province)
manibwohebwahe ( Wagawaga, Milne Bay)
bahuerueru ( Vanapa, Central Province)
Philippines: hauili ( Filipino)
kauili ( Tagalog)
sio ( Bikol).
NAME OF SIMPLISIA FICI septicae folium; leaf awar-awar
Curable Disease :
Ficus Leaf septica can pursue growth of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli in in vitro, result of examination of bioautography it is reported that 4 g leaf extract awar awar is dissolving in Metanol can pursue bacterium growth. Antofin ( 5 g) having effect as antibakteri ( B. subtillis, M flavus and E. Coli)
Composition :
This plant contains alkaloid, that is inter alia (-)- tilosrebrin ( hauptalkaloid), tiloforin, septisin, and antofin, besides also contains flavonoida.
Leaf applied for skin disease drug, chafes intestine infection, overcomes abscess, noxious snakebite and asphyxia.
Root applied for antidote ( fish), penanggulangan asthma; despitefully leaf can cause puking.
Rubber exploited to overcome confused swellings and head.
Fruit for laxative.
To cure abscess:
5 leaf sheet cleaned and milled to be smooth, added salt sufficiently, then applied as compress at abscess ( 1-2 times one day).
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Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Avocado (Alpukat)
Synonym : P. americana, Mill.
Familia : Lauraceae
Description :
Fruit tree from Middle America, grows wild in forests, quite a few planted in fertile and friable geology garden and is not suffused water. Although can bear fruit in lowland, but result will gratify if planted at height of 200-1000 m above sea level ( dpl), at tropic area from subtropic which many rainfalls.
Small tree, height 3-10 m, roots riding, bar is having wood, integer, its the colour dirty chocolate, many branching, smooth general stick. Unique leaf, handle which length 1,5-5 cm, dirty, its the situation pressure in tip of stick, its form ellipse until oval of length, thick like skin, tip and sharp-pointed jetty, plane edge sometime rather rmenggulung upward, bony of rnenyirip, long 10-20 cm, wide 3-10 cm, young leaf of its(the colour squeezing and general of meeting, its the colour stripper leaf is hairless and green. Its the interest compound interest, having sex two, lapped over in secretory panicle near by tip of stick, its the colour greenness yellows. Its the fruit bacca, form of ball or ovoid, long 5-20 cm, its the colour is green or chartreuse, spots purple or purple sarna once seed one, kernel if have been cooked slack, its he colour green, brass. Bulbous integer seed, diameter 2,5-5 cm, white seed chipping of squeezing. Ripe avocado of slack kernel, fatty, oil is applied for inter alia for cosmetic.
Propagation with seed, way of grafting and way of graft.
Other name :
Apuket, alpuket, jambu wolanda ( Sunda,area West Java, Indonesia )
apokat, avokat, plokat (Java, Indonesia)
apokat, alpokat, avokat, advocate ( Sumatra, Indonesia)
Avocado (International)
Curable Disease :
Sprue, damps ring skin, stone urine, headache, High blood ( Hypertension), nerve pain in bone ( neuralgia), stomach pain in bone, Breath channel swells ( bronchial swellings), toothache, Diabetes ( diabetes mellitus), menstruates not regular.
Composition :
Kimiawi Character & Farmakologi Effect :
Leaf: Bitter taste, astringent, launchs urine.
Seed : Anti chafes, eliminates pain.
Fruit and leaf contains saponin, alkaloid and flavonoida, Fruit of also contains tannin and leaf to contain polifenol, quersetin, sugar alkohot persiit.
PART USED: Kernel, leaf, seed.
Kernel :
Damps dry skin.
Kedney stone.
High blood, headache.
Nerve pain in bone.
Stomach pain in bone.
Breath channel swells ( bronchial swellings).
Menstruates not regular.
To drink: 3-6 leaf sheets.
External Usage:
Kernel sufficiently is pulverized, used for masker. Leaf for local usage, seed milled to be smooth become powder to eliminate pain.
1. Sprue:
a contents of alpokat which have been cooking given by 2 honey tablespoon
pure, swirled flattens then is eaten. Does every day until recovers.
2. Kedney Stone:
4 leaf sheet avocado, 3 fruit of rhizome teki, 5 leaf handle randu,
semi areca seed, 1 nutmeg, 3 sugar finger enau, cleaned then
braised with 3 clean water glass until remaining 2 1/4 glasses.
After cool is filtered then is drinked. One day 3 x 3/4 glasses.
3. High blood :
3 leaf sheet alpokat is washed out then is poured boiling water into with 1 water glass
temperature. After chilling drinked at the same time.
4. Drought face skin:
Fruit of taken its contents then is pulverized until like mush. Used for masker, by getting of basting dry face. Facial washed with water after layer masker alpokat runs dry.
5. Holey toothache:
Hole at tooth is enterred by seed powder avocado.
6. Bloated because inflamation:
Powder from seed sufficiently is added a few water until becoming
dough like mush, balurkan ill body part.
7. Diabetes:
Seed is grilled above fire then is sawed up with dagger, then boiled with clean water until the water becomes chocolate. Filters, drinks after chilling.
8. Tea and avocado good to eliminating headache taste, pain in bone
stomach, bloated at breath channel, nerve pain in bone taste ( Neuralgia)
and comes not regular menstruation.
Data Research:
Leaf has activity antibakteri and pursues growth of Staphylococcus aureus strain A and B. Staphylococcus albus, Pseudomonas sp., Proteus sp., Escherichea coli and Bacillus subtilis ( EO. ognulans and E. Ramstad 1975).
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Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 11:35 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Sugar palm (Aren)
Synonym : Arenga sacchrifera Labill.
Familia : Arecaceae ( Palmae).
Description :
Not thorny patched. High bar to 25 m and diameter 65 cm, some of bars that is enough is length is having leaf, at underside there is leaf frond stepping aside it tears ravelled to become black fiber. Leaf handle to 1,5 m, length leaf blade until 5 m.
Leaflet to 145 times 7 cm, underside there are wax;candle layer. Having Berumah one, female cob with length male cob 2,5 m. Cob branchs once; long lateral 1,5 m. Couple stam inate flower, long 12-15 mm; stamen many. Independent pistillate flower, ball integer approximant; bear ovary 3, with 3 stigma. Bullet integer bacca, with tip of pesok into, diameter 4 cm, bear 3, seed 3. All Java (Indonesia), in forest or planted; 1-1400 m.
Note: Also famous by the name of old of Arenga saccharifera Labill. We can say all part of crops is used; root earns good for matting material and beat severely, bar which dibelah for roof-gutter ( aqueduct), sugar palm wood earns good for usuk house framework like the one commonly use at traditional building, crate for vegetables eats rice, vena to sweep and kranjang, young leaf to change cigarette paper, frond fiber for fibre of palmtree string, for pass, crate broom, brush, terrace earns is useful as;core is made "sago". From stam inate flower cob is tapped [by] sugary dilution, where then is made sugar ( Java sugar), if it is yeast yields water sago, pageant or vinegar; seed earns is useful as candy and eaten ( kolang-kaling (the fruit of sugar palm) ).
Part applied for palm wine (Toddy), ( result of fermentation from interest water) and root.
Composition :
TODDY: Sugar and fixed oil.
Curable Disease :
Diuretic SPECIAL QUALITY, Sprue, Constipation, Skin Rash ( root), Calculus ( root)
Sugar palm Root 2 gram
Keji beling leaf 3 gram
Seagegrass Root 3 gram
Meniran herb 3 gram
Water 20 ml
Way of making: Made infusion.
Way of usage: Drinked 1 times one day, 100 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated during 14 days or until stone exit kidney. Therapy is stopped by after stone exit in the form of stone, sand, or prilled. Hereinafter drinks decoction of kumis kucing leaf and meniran herb, in the place of tea water.
Colic and Sprue:
Palm wine (toddy) drinkable like drinking pickmeup.
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Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Fennel (Adas) Herbal
Synonym : = E officinale, All. = Anethum foeniculum, Linn.
Fennel is one of ninth medical plant assumed by miracle in Anglo-Saxon. In Indonesia has been conducting and sometime as plant flavour or as dill. This plant can live by lowland until height of 1800 m above sea level, but will grow is better at plateau. The original germinal from South Europe and Asian, because of its benefit, then many planted in Indonesia, India, Argentina, Eropa, and Japan.
Sodium long lived, height 50 cm - 2 m, grows clump. One clumps usually is consisted of 3 - 5 bar. Green bar rather blue, grooved, having internode, holey, aroma fragrant if in contuses. Situation of Leaf is having interlude, double fin compound two with narrow: tight fins, form of needle, tip and sharp-pointed jetty, plane edge, having spathe white colour, spathe is having membrane with it the top is in the form of hat.
There is two kinds of fennel oil, bitter and sweet. Both, applied in drugs industry. Fennel also used for flavour, or applied as component of improve;repairing taste ( corrigentia saporis) and makes fragrance drug ingredient. Usually fennel is applied together with bar skin pulosari.
Character chemical and pharmacology effect of fruit :
Hades ( Sunda area West Java, Indonesia)
Ripe fruit ( Xiaohuixiang, hui-hsiang). Fruit which has cooked collected, then is put to the sun until drought.
Useful fruit to overcome :
stomachache ( stomachache), flatulent stomach, full taste in bouncing up, nausea, puking, diarrhoea, yellows pain ( jaundice), less appetite, coughs expectorating, asphyxia ( asthma), menstruation: menstruation pain in bone, menstruation is not regular, mother's milk water, protein in urine ( proteinuria), sleepless ( insomnia), testicle downwards ( orchidoptosis), intestine go down to popliteal ( hernia inguinalis), spermaduct swelling (epididimis), accumulation of dilution in poke of penis ( hidrokel testis), lessens pain taste as result of stone and assists breaks it, gout rheumatism, and poisoned of medical plant or mushroom.
coughsflatulent stomach koilkthirsty tasteincreases eyesight.
Fruit of fennel counted 3 - 9 gram is braised, drinks or fruit of fennel milled to be smooth, then is poured boiling water into with water to boil to be drinked at the time warmness. Leaf eaten as vegetable or braised, then is drinked.
External usage:
Fennel oil also applicable to rub catching a cold chlid body.
Example for use in Indonesia :
a. Prepares powder fruit of fennel counted 5 gram disedub with 1/2
water cup boils. After chilling filtered, adds 1 spoon
honey tea. Scrambled until flattening, drinks at the same time. Does 2 times
one day, until recovering.
b. Prepares saga leaf 1/4 grasping
shallot 2 item
ginger 1 finger
2. Breathless
a. Takes fennel oil 10 drips poured boiling water into with 1 spoon
eats temperature water. Drinks whilst warmness. Does 3 times one day,
until recovering.
b. Prepares fennel 1/2 teaspoons, pulosari ¼ finger, rirnpang koempheria galanga 2
finger, rirnpang temulawak 1 finger, black dill 114 teaspoons, leaf
poncosudo ( Jasminum pubescens) 1/4 grasping, demerara
3 finger, cleaned and cut to pieces at sufficiently. The materials
then is braised with 4 1/2 clean water glasses until remaining approximately
as of its(the pari pasu. After chilling filtered, and ready for drinked.
One day 3 times, each 3/4 glasses.
3. Sprue
Prepares fennel 3/4 teaspoons, coriander 3/4 teaspoons, iler leaf
1/5 grasping, saga leaf 1/4 grasping, fragon scale 1/5 grasping,
sembung leaf 1/4 grasping, gotu kola of 1/4 grasping, kentut leaf
1/6 grasping, pulosari 3/4 fingers, rhizome lempuyang fragrant 1/2 fingers,
turmeric rhizome ½ finger, cinnamon ¾ finger, demerara 3 finger, cleaned
and cut to pieces at sufficiently.
Prepares leaf and interest srigading each 1/5 grasps,
black jinten 3/4 teaspoons, fennel 1/2 teaspoons, pulosari 1/2 fingers,
interest kesumba rivets 2 buds, lime 2 fruit, lump sugar
equal to chicken's egg, cleaned then is cut to pieces at sufficiently.
Prepares powder fruit of fennel counted 5 gram, then poured boiling water into with
semi pageant cup. Drinks whilst warmness.
Powder fruit of fennel counted 5 gram poured boiling water into with 1 water cup
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Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Angsana Herbal
Synonym : Pterocarpus flavus Lour. Pterocarpus pallidus Blco.
Familia : Papilionaceae ( Leguminosae).
Description :
Tree, height 10-40 m. Tip of general stick. Stipule leaf form of Iancet, long 1-2 cm. Leaf is having interlude. Leaflet 5-13, length ovoid, becomes sharp, dull, gleams once, 4-10 times 2,5 - 5 cm. Child of handle 0,5 - 1,5 cm. Interest bunch in tip and sits in armpit, a few or doesn't branch, general of chocolate, bloomy many, length 7 - 11 cm, child of handle 0,5 - 1,5 cm, very making fragrance interest. Calyx form of bell until form of tube, pronged of 5, orange yellows crown. Close general ovary, short handle, ovule 2-6. Handle legum above rest of calyx, circle integer approximant, with bill beside, pipih once, winged vinicity, doesn't open, diameter lk 5 cm. Seed mostly 1. Note: Wood has colour and quality that is very well, utilized as component of building and wood meubel. In Losing face me, this tree Indonesia yields root wood ( wortelhout) good. Skin used as drug, in a state of the tree life aqueous red of blood. Part applied by Bark, rubber ( resin) and young leaf.
Composition :
Resin is recognized by the name of kino (acid kinotanat and red dye).
Other Name:
Asan, Athan (Aceh, indonesia)
Sena (Gayo, Indonesia)
Sena, Hasona, Sona (Batak, Indonesia)
Kayu merah (Timor, Indonesia)
Asana, Sana kapur, Sana kembang (Minangkabau, Indonesia)
Sana kembang (Madura, Indonesia)
Kenaha (Solor, Indonesia)
Aha, Naga, Aga, Naakir (Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia)
Tonala (Gorontalo, Indonesia)
Candana (Bugis, Indonesia)
Na, Nar, (Roti, Indonesia)
Lana (Buru, Indonesia)
NAME OF SIMPLISIA: Pterocarpi Cortex; Bark Angsana.
Curable Disease :
SPECIAL QUALITY Adstringen and diuretic. RESEARCH Involves, 1990. Pharmacy Majors, FMIPA USU. Has done research of leaf infusion influence Angsana to degradation of hare blood sugar rate compared to tolbutamid. From result of the research, simply leaf infusion Angsana 5 ml, 10% and 20°Io buccally reduced hare blood sugar rate. Infusion influence 10% there is no difference with 50 mg/kg bb tolbutamid, while degradation by bigger 20% infusion than influences by tolbutalmid.
SPECIAL QUALITY: Adstringen and diuretic.
1). Calculus.
2). Mouth sprue ( gargle).
Young leaf:
1). Diabetes.
2). Abscess ( external drug).
3). Rubber ( Kino):
4). Hurt ( external drug).
5). Mouth sprue ( external drug).
Angsana bark 3 gram
Keji beling Leaf 2 gram
Kumis Kucing Leaf 4 gram
Water 115 ml
Way of making: Made infusion or poured boiling water.
Way of usage:
Drinked 1 times one day 100 ml. when stone has gone out, either in the form of crystal and also urine which turbid or urine frothing hence giving of jamu is stopped. Then is continued drinks Catkin leaf tea 6% in water. Kumis kucing leaf 6 gram poured boiling water into with water to boil 100 ml. Drinked like habit to drink tea.
Oral Sprue
Angsana bark 4 gram
Fresh saga Leaf 4 gram
Fresh Saga leaf 3 sheet
Water 115 ml
Way of making: Made infusion or poured boiling water.
If required to adds 10 gypsum grams at transparent, hushed a few moments, ago is filtered and participated for transparancy. ( Gypsum can be bought in dispensary or chemistry shop).
Way of usage:
For nut, every 3 hour x 1, every times uses 50 ml, when needed can be thinned with water.
Abscess is washed by cleanness or alcohol 70%. Then leaf Angsana crumpled up and glued at the abscess. Renewed every 3 hour x 1.
Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Fragrant Root (Akar Wangi) Herbal
Synonym : Andropogon zizanioides Urban. Andropogon squarrosus Hackel. Andropogon muricatus Retz.
Description :
Chronical grass, height can reach 1 metre. Slack bar, having internode, having colour white. Unique leaf, form of ribbon, sharp-pointed back part. Frond embraces bar, whitish green colour. Inflorescence of form of seed in tip of bar. Fruit of paddy, thorny, having colour white of dirty. Root is including rust colored fibrous root. Part applied by root and essential oils.
Useur ( Gayo, Indonesia)
NAME OF STRANGERS FOREIGNERS: NAME OF SIMPLISIA VITIVERIAE RADIX; Fragrant root. Oleum Vitiveriae aetheriae; fragment root oil.
Root: Essential oils, hars, and bitter matter.
Curable Disease : Special Quality Diaforetik.
breath / mouth reeky (gargle).
Rheumatism ( external drug).
breath / mouth reeky
Fragment root some cuts
Sirih leaf fresh 2 sheet
Pegagan (Gotu kola Herb) of fresh 1 grasps
Kapulaga fruits(Cardamom) 6 item
Water 110 ml
Way of making: Made infusion.
Way of usage: To gargle 2 times one day, every times uses 100 ml When needed can be thinned with warmness water, partly can be swallowed by not dangerous.
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Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Akar Manis Herbal
( Levator skapula Glycyrrhiza glabra )
Familia : Papilionaceae ( Leguminosae).
this Simplisia still be imported, because is not able yet to planted in Indonesia. Part applied by root.
Other Name:
Typically Neutralizing, beloved taste. Expectorant SPECIAL QUALITY, anti inflammation, and spasmolitik.
Composition :
Curable Disease :
TYPICALLY Neutralizing, beloved taste. Expectorant SPECIAL QUALITY, anti inflammation, and spasmolitik.
Anti kolestrol, Bronkhitis, Coughs, Stomachache, Peptic ulcer
Licorice root 1,5 grams
Rhizome 8 gram
Sirih leaf 3 sheet
Water 130 ml
Way of making: Made infusion.
Way of usage: Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening before eating, every times drinks 100 ml.
Licorice root 3 gram
Turmeric Rhizome 4 gram
Water 130 ml
Way of making: Made infusion or poured boiling water.
Way of usage: Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening. Every times drinks 100 ml.
Repeated during 14 days. For patient that is is heatresistant not of turmeric, ingredient can be added finite water of dilute, precipitated is former then is drinked.
Measuring that is too big and too usage stripper can result hipoklamia.
Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 1:37 PM 0 comments
Andong Herbal
( Cordyline fruticosa ( Levator skapula) A. Cheval )
Synonym : Asperagus terminalis L. Cordyline terminalis ( Levator skapula.) Kunth.
Familia : Agavaceae ( Liliaceae).
Description :
Clump branchs; height 2-4 m. Stick with ex- leaf moults which is in the form of ring. Leaf at the end of stick berjejal with formation of spiral; handle form of roof-gutter, line shape leaf blade or Iancet, 20-60 times 1-13 cm, with jetty which is in the form of sharp-pointed wedge and back part, red or green or lorek. Interest panicle in leaf axil, length handle, branchs wide, with big protector leaf at branch jetty. Protector leaflet at small
interest jetty. Interest tepal 6, length, long 1,3 cm, 3 which is external at part as of pari pasu under sticking, tightly with in, upper part released and rearward curved returned. Stamen 6, tertancap at interest tent. Short stigma 3 acantha. Bacca ± form of ball, red gleams. Black seed gleams. From East Asia. In garden and fence, in grave; 1-1900 m. Part applied that's leaf.
Other name :
juwang, Laklak (Aceh, Indonesia)Kalinjuhang Katunggal, Linjuang, Si linjuang (Batak, Indoensia)Anjiluwang, Jiluwang, Lanjuwang, Linjuwang ( Makasar, Indonesia)Anderuwang ( Floats)Renjuwang, Sabang, Cobweb (Dayak, Indonesia)Hanjuwang (Sundaarea West Java, Indonesia)Andong, Endong (Java, Indonesia)Andong, Endong, Handwang (BaIi, Indonesia)Tabongo ( Gr)Panilli, Siri ( Ms)Panyaureng, Siri ( Bg)Ai hunts (Strontium)Weluga, Werusisi, Wersingin ( Ab)Yasir ( Ij)Pitako (Hm)NAME OF STRANGERS FOREIGNERS: NAME OF SIMPLISIA CORDYLINAE FOLIUM; Andong Leaf.
Composition :Chemistry Content Steroida, saponin, polysaccharide draught.
1. Bleeding cough.
2. Dysentery.
3. Menstrual too much.
4. Bloody pile.
1. Bleeding cough, Menstrual too much
Fresh buggy Leaf 5 sheet
Water sufficiently
Way of making:
Made infusion, poured boiling water into, or braised.
Way of usage:
Drinked 1 times one day 100 ml. For pipis, diminurn 1 times one day 1/4 cups.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated until recovering.
2. Pile
Fresh buggy Leaf 3 sheet
Leaf Wungu fresh 7 sheet
Matured water sufficiently
Way of making:
Way of usage:
Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening, every times drinks 1/4 cups.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated during 14 days.
Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Adem Ati Herbal
Synonym : Litsea chinensis Lamk. Litsea littoralis ( Levator skapula.) Vill.
Description :
In the form of tree, height can reach 10 metre. Bar is having wood and branchs. Unique leaf, form of ellipse, green colour, and downy. Inflorescence of form of panicle, corolla is having colour white of brass. Fruit of integer, having colour young fruit is green, after stripper is having colour black. Young cacao colour main root.
Simplisia Litseae glutinosae Radix
Litseae glictinosae Folium
Huru Batu, Huru Beusai, Huru Tangkalak, Madang Kapas, Adem Ati, Kapu Ketek, Nyampu Wingka, Wuru Beling ( Java) Typical Of Beloved, bitter, and makes cool.
Anti inflammation, analgesic, and hemostatic.
Composition : Alkaloid ( faction of phenanthrene and aporfina), flavonoida, tannin, polifenol, and essential oils.
Root :
1. Diarrhoea
Bark and leaf ( external drug) :
1. Abscess
Litseae glictinosae Folium (Adem Ati) 5 gram
Fresh Salam Leaf (Indonesian)
Diarrhoea, Chafes Intestine:
Litseae glictinosae Folium (Adem Ati) 6 gram
Way of making: Made infusion or poured boiling water.
Duration of treatment: Repeated during 3 day ( Diarrhoea), 14 days ( Chafes intestine).
Chafes Skin To fester, Chafes Bosom, Hurt, and Abscess
Skin wood / fresh leaf of Litseae glictinosae Folium (Adem Ati).
Way of making: finite Dipipis is in the form of pasta.
Way of usage: Smooths down pasta at part of ill skin. Before use on your skin with the pasta, better be cleaned with former warmness water.
Duration of treatment: Renewed every 3 hour.
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Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Ajeran Herbal
( Bidens pilosa L )
Familia : Asteraceae ( Compositae).
Description :
This plant is including wild plant and many met in roadside. Sometime is planted in yard, as ornamental plant. This plant pertained sodium, height can reach 150 cm. Bar is in the form of parallelogram, green colour. Leaf three teams, globular each of egg, jagged periphery. Length handle interest, corolla is having colour is white with rust colored pistil. Part applied by all teams part of plant which above soil, land, ground ( herb).
Other name :
Vernacular Indonesia:
Ajeran, Hareuga ( Sunda area West Java, Indonesia), Jaringan, Ketul (Java).
Black Jack ( England).
Sornet ( France).
Malaysia: clothes clasp, pau-pau sand, keroten.
Papua New Guinea: ivu sodium mag ( Gunantuna, New Britain),
rakot ( Kurtatchi, Bougainville).
Philippines: dadayem ( Ibanag), burburtak ( Ilocano), knifes ( Bisaya).
Thailand: puen noksai, kee cam sai, yaa koncham khaao.
Vietnam: d[ow]n ma [ oos] t, t [ uwr] t [ oo] hoang, q [ ur]y tr [ aa] m thorium [ ar] o.
Name Of Simplisia Bidentitis pilosae Herba: Ajeran Herb.
Composition : Alkaloid poliina, saponin, bitter matter, essential oils, and tannic matter.
Disease : Typically Making cool, bitter taste, and launchs blood circulation.
Special Quality Antiinflamasi, antipiretik, and antiseptic.
1. Fever.
2. Digestion is not good.
3. Rheumatism ( articulation pain in bone).
4. Influenza.
5. Appendicitis
6. Hermorrhoids
Influenza and Fever
Ajeran herb ( 3 gram)
Babakan Pule (Indonesian) ( 200 magnesiums)
Sembung leaf (Indonesian) ( 3 gram)
Poko (Indonesian) ( 2 gram)
Water ( 130 ml)
Way of making: Made infusion or poured boiling water.
Way of usage: Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml.
Duration of treatment: Repeated until recovering.
Appendicitis disease must soon handled by medical doctor. for alternative idea, medical doctor is not able yet to met, this ingredient can be applied.
Ajeran herb ( 5 gram)
Water ( 120 ml)
Way of making: Made infusion or pill.
Way of usage: Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml, or 3 times one day 9 pill.
Duration of treatment: Repeated during 20 days.
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Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Anting - Anting Herbal
Familia : Euphorbiaceae
Description :
Herb As of season, straightening. general. High bar 30 - 50 cm. branchs, with harsh length line. Grows in roadside, pasturage, mountainside. Situation leaf is having interlude ellipse globularity until Iancet, tip and fine-form leaf jetty, jagged edge, long 2,5 - 8 cm, wide 1,5 - 3,5 cm. Interest is having sex monocotil , exit from leaf axil, little interest in network in the form of panicle. Its the small fruit. Root of this crop hardly is taken a fancy to dog and cat.
Other Name:
Tie xian ( China)
Curable Disease :
Dysentery basiler and amoeba dysentery, Diarrhoea, Malnutrition, nosebleed, Blood puking, Defecates blood, Blood urine, Malaria
Composition : Character Chemical And farmakologis
PART USED: All crop, fresh usage or drought.
1. Dysentery basiler and amoeba dysentery. 2. Diarrhoea, child of low body weighing ( malnutrition) and indigestion. 3. Blood puking, nosebleed, defecates blood ( melena), blood urine (hematuria). 4. Malaria.
9 - 15 dry grams or 30 - 60 fresh grams, braised, drinks.
Fresh herb is pulverized, patchs or braised, its(the water to clean.
Used to ulcerate, scabies, bloody hurt, eczema, dermatitis, snakebite.
1). Dermatitis, eczema, scabies:
Fresh herb sufficiently is braised, its the water to clean in place which pain.
Fresh herb is added by sand sugar sufficiently, pulverized and patched to ill place.
30 - 60 drought crop grams (all bar) braised, one day is divided 2 times drinks, during 5 - 10 days.
Dry herb 30 - 60 grams is braised, drinks.
Acalypha australis 30 - 60 grams, Portulaca oleracea ( Bangle) and
each sugar 30 grams braises, drinks after chilling.
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Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Anyang - Anyang Herbal
Description :
Tree with form of etage, height 6-26 m. Handle leaf, berjejal at the end of stick, form of Iancet, changes over for the shake of a few at handles, 5-20 times 1-5 cm, hairless, like skin, jagged of beringgit is not in, old squeezed fire.
Elaeokarpid ( poisonous bitter matter) and saponin. Diuretic Special Quality.
Curable Disease :
Dysentery, ill contained urine, chafes kidney, ulcer ( as external drug), fever, debility, nausea, yellows pain.
1. Dysentery.
2. Ill contained urine.
1. Chafes Kidney.
2. Ulcer ( external drug).
1). Fever
2). Debility.
3). Nausea.
4). Yellows Pain.
Bark or leaf Anyang-anyang 4 gram Water 110 ml
Way of making: Made infusion or poured boiling water.
Way of usage: Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml Duration of treatment: Repeated during 4 day.
Anyang-anyang leaf 4 gram
Sembung leaf3 gram
Meniran herb 2 gram
Rhizome Temulawak 4 gram
Water 110 ml
Way of making: Poured boiling water into, made infusion.
Way of usage:
Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening. Every times drinks 100 ml.
Duration of treatment: Repeated during 14 days.
Ill Contained Urine
Patient at the time of pissing feels pain in bone, and urine froths.
Anyang-anyang fruit 7 seed
Fennel fruit 1 gram
Pulosari 1/ 2 phalange
Water 110 ml
Way of making: Made infusion or poured boiling water.
Way of usage:
Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening every times drinks 100 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated during 7 day.
Posted by Jeffry Junaedi at 11:21 AM 0 comments